It requires the same number of observation/locations per day. It requires location id (locID) and points id (pid). The locID are unique for each site. The pid is unique for each observation. Missing values are allowed in the response but not in the covariates.
formula = formula,
data = data,
path = path,
time_method = time_method,
space_method = space_method,
iter = 3000,
warmup = 1500,
chains = 3,
refresh = max(iter/100, 1),
net = 1,
addfunccol = addfunccol,
loglik = FALSE,
seed = seed
A formula as in lm()
A long data frame containing the locations, dates, covariates and the response variable. It has to have the locID and date. No missing values are allowed in the covariates.
Path with the name of the SSN object
A list specifying the temporal structure (ar = Autorregressive; var = Vector autorregression) and coumn in the data with the time variable.
A list defining if use or not of an SSN object and the spatial correlation structure. The second element is the spatial covariance structure. A 3rd element is a list with the lon and lat for Euclidean distance models.
Number of iterations
Warm up samples
Number of chains
Sampler refreshing rate
The network id (optional). Used when the SSN object cotains multiple networks.
Variable to compute the additive function. Used to compute the spatial weights.
Logic parameter denoting if the loglik will be computed by the model.
(optional) A seed for reproducibility
A list with the model fit
Missing values are not allowed in the covariates and they must be imputed before using ssnbayes(). Many options can be found in
if (FALSE) {
#options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
# Import SpatialStreamNetwork object
#path <- system.file("extdata/clearwater.ssn", package = "SSNbayes")
#n <- importSSN(path, predpts = "preds", o.write = TRUE)
## Imports a data.frame containing observations and covariates
#clear <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/clear_obs.RDS", package = "SSNbayes"))
#fit_ar <- ssnbayes(formula = y ~ SLOPE + elev + h2o_area + air_temp + sin + cos,
# data = clear,
# path = path,
# time_method = list("ar", "date"),
# space_method = list('use_ssn', c("Exponential.taildown")),
# iter = 2000,
# warmup = 1000,
# chains = 3,
# net = 2, # second network on the ssn object
# addfunccol='afvArea')
#space_method options examples
#use list('no_ssn', 'Exponential.Euclid', c('lon', 'lat')) if no ssn object is available